Facebook Ads Case Study: Fairytale Retellings


Genre: Paranormal Romance 

Starting Budget: $5 a Day

Number of Books in Series: 5

Starting Rank: Under 50,000

Starting Sales: $25 a week 

Package Selection: Facebook Ads Premium


  • One-on-One Meeting
  • Payment for Services
  • Grant Access to Facebook Page
  • Grant Access to Advertising Account 
  • Share Book File and Blurb for Ad Copy Development 


Week 1: $35 Spent, $70 Earned 

Week 2: $50 Spent, $80 Earned 

Week 3: $70 Spent, $100 Earned

Week 4: $100 Spent, $180 Earned

Ranking Update: 15,000s

New Weekly Earning Potential: $80

Notes: Notice that this is a small increase from the original weekly earnings. A few things are happening at this stage. First, you aren't likely to see the full potential of the ads you are running on a current week until a few weeks away. So that $180 a week on Week 4 is likely the full potential from the spend on Week 1 or 2. This is also why when you turn ads off, the results taper slowly, rather than disappearing all at once. Second, when you're scaling up, you start to use your current earnings toward earnings you won't see for another 2-3 weeks. This will become more apparent as time continues. 


Week 1: $100 Spent, $200 Earned 

Week 2: $173 Spent, $338 Earned 

Week 3: $174 Spent, $412 Earned

Week 4: $189 Spent, $320 Earned

Ranking Update: 13,000s

New Weekly Earning Potential: $131

Notes: We hit a summer slump right around Week 4, so here we considered the new earning potential to be the $320 earned off the $189. We also took some measures to start the process of offsetting summer slump so that we could still see growth over the summer. We made some adjustments at this point also, to bring down expenses while raising earnings. Once that was done, we were able to get back on track for scaling up, as you'll see over the next couple of months.


Week 1: $115 Spent, $354 Earned 

Week 2: $179 Spent, $403 Earned 

Week 3: $179 Spent, $362 Earned

Week 4: $179 Spent, $326 Earned

Ranking Update: 11,000s

New Weekly Earning Potential: $147

Notes: Pushing through summer slump continued to be difficult for this ad set, but we decided to hold steady this time to see if the spend would catch up. Previously when things dipped, the author opted to back off on spend, but as we were noticing slower trends in summer for earnings back, we kept moving forward this time to see if we could find a pattern over time.


Week 1: $171 Spent, $339 Earned 

Week 2: $288 Spent, $430 Earned 

Week 3: $276 Spent, $498 Earned

Week 4: $273 Spent, $551 Earned

Ranking Update: 9,000s

New Weekly Earning Potential: $278

Notes: Most authors give up after a week, or a month, but this author persisted with our advisements each week. Once we were able to assess the pattern, we were able to break through the summer slump. We also hit a point where we were spending enough and making enough to more easily scale up and handle the "growing pains." As you can see if you follow the patterns of Month 2, 3, and 4, there's a "delayed reaction" in when we scale up and when we see the full benefit. I'll illustrate that better below.

  • M2, W2 Spend: $173 | M2, W4 Earnings: $320
  • M2, W3 Spend: $174 | M3, W1 Earnings: $354
  • M2, W4 Spend: $189 | M3, W2 Earnings: $403
  • M3, W1 Spend: $115 | M3, W3 Earnings: $362 (spent less 2 weeks ago, made less now)
  • M3, W2 Spend: $179 | M3, W4 $326 (still lost momentum from the lower M3, W1 Spend)
  • M3, W3 Spend: $179 | M4, W1 $339 (slowly bouncing back)
  • M3, W4 Spend: $179 | M4, W2 $430
  • M4, W1 Spend: $171 | M4 W3 $498
  • M4, W2 Spend; $188 | M4, W4 $551

As you can see above, the growth and decreases based on spend correlate more with a 2-3 week lead pattern rather than week by week.


Week 1: $337 Spent, $504 Earned 

Week 2: $342 Spent, $505 Earned 

Week 3: $272 Spent, $531 Earned (this will probably bite us later, but we're reworking things for a better long term plan)

Week 4: $224 Spent, $595 Earned

Week 5: $234 Spent, $622 Earned 

Ranking Update: 7,000s

New Weekly Earning Potential: $388

Notes: In the next month or so, these earnings may drop again due to the lower spend we're running now, but because we've established a pattern and have some strong ads going, we should be able to scale this author up considerably. 


Ads Duration: 5 Months and Counting

Starting Earnings: $100 a Month

Current Earnings: $1554 a Month 

Start Rank: Under 50,000

Current Rank: 7000s


Monthly Earnings (Net Profit)....

Before Zero Alchemy Facebook Ads: $100

One Month In: $360 

Two Months In: $524 

Three Months In: $588

Four Months In: $1112 

Five Months In: $1554 

Estimated Series Earnings in 12 Months: $3000-$4500 Net Profit. ($36,000 to $54,000 a year for 1 series... PASSIVE INCOME). 

This could be repeated for multiple series. With just 2 series like this one, this author could be making Six Figures a Year. That number will only increase with more series. 

If you factor in the cost of the Ads Service, that's still $2750 to $4250 a MONTH! For ONE Series!

Alternately, this author may choose to take our Facebook Ads Course and learn how to run these ads and future ads for herself!


Curious how to make ads work for you? Check out our Done For You Ads Service ... or Learn The Techniques to Run Them Yourself!


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